I Am A Humanitarian Which Is Why I Believe In Racial Separation
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James Miller
2010-01-30 18:23:57 UTC
I Am A Humanitarian Which Is Why I Believe In Racial Separation

By James Miller

Multiculturalism within a nation leads to internal tension and eventual
violent conflict... 6,000 years of human warfare proves this (ie. roughly
80% of all wars throughout history are rooted in racial/ethnic/religious
conflict). All races and ethnicities are "tribal" & separatist in nature -
these innate characteristics of human nature must be accepted and public
policy should be drafted with such characteristics in mind. Hence,
racial/ethnic homogeneity should be encouraged by policy makers. Pursuing
racial/ethnic homogeneity is the most humane way to organize the world's

Any realistic humanitarian (such as myself) understands this reality of
human nature and works within its framework.

I don't have anything against Mexicans.... in Mexico. I don't have anything
against Nigerians... in Nigeria. etc. Mexicans belong in Mexico. Nigerians
belong in Nigeria. etc. Global humanity works best when the world is divided
into nation-states where each nation-state has racial/ethnic homogeneity.
Nations can trade (ie. fair trade, not so-called "free" trade), have
diplomatic relations, compete in the Olympics, etc. And, of course, there
should be tolerance between nations. But when we start mixing VERY different
peoples in the same nation, what happens? Trouble brews and internal violent
conflict results - this is not a humane way to organize the world's peoples.
Global humanity has enough trouble maintaining peace between nations... we
don't need to make matters worse by promoting multiracial nations which
ALWAYS gravitate towards internal conflict. Hence, humanitarians (like
myself) who are realistic about human nature believe FIRMLY in racial/ethnic
separatism. On the other hand, those pushing for multiculturalism are
actually anti-humanitarian since they are laying the seeds for internal
national conflict (via their promotion of multicultural/multiracial nations)
even though they naively think they are "building a better world".

The above is the core of my racial-realist/humanitarian philosophy.

For SERIOUS conservative writing visit my blog:
Gods and Monkeys
2010-01-31 00:17:24 UTC
Post by James Miller
I Am A Humanitarian Which Is Why I Believe In Racial Separation
By James Miller
It's a nice theory, but Anglo Saxons have shown themselves to
be least able to respect other races' territories. So for you
to be consistent, you must believe in the destruction of
the Anglo Saxon race.
Nomen Nescio
2010-02-03 05:05:39 UTC
In article <7dc1d12f-04b9-4abf-b357-***@v20g2000prb.googlegroups.com>,
Gods and Monkeys says...
Post by Gods and Monkeys
Post by James Miller
I Am A Humanitarian Which Is Why I Believe In Racial Separation
By James Miller
It's a nice theory, but Anglo Saxons have shown themselves to
be least able to respect other races' territories. So for you
to be consistent, you must believe in the destruction of
the Anglo Saxon race.
And you're another racist who advocates genocide.
