Post by Kennyoung boy jerking off
Is not Sethian's attaining EQUALITY, during the "WAR ON TERRORISM"!
Ain't no one more assaulted in Terrorist Acts than us FAGS!
Fundies hate us so much in the 1870's Conclave of Churches, during the
Protestant Reformation, they ALTERED the BIBLE, and Manufactured
Webster's "Definition" of Sodomy, so they could Hunt Us
Eunuchs don't create a Tax Base, and will lead to the Sterilization of
the World!
Leprechaun's have a Pot of Gold, for the Taking, Church Said So!
They still get to go rolling Faeries on the Weekends, as a result!
How dare we take away their Hunting Privileges, and Nigger Night
Who do we think WE ARE?
"GOD", said:
"WE", are the IMAGE OF MAN, "TWICE" Made by the Hand of GOD!
Protestants altered the Bible, to prevent us from using that to defend
ourselves against the Assaults of the CHURCH!
Bear's and Salmon are Gia Naturist!
Genocide against the Body, is but Suicide!
Satan= Billy Goats with Tits (D'Elph eus Levi), Faeries, Shape Shifters,
the Tricksters who are the Strange Women of the Eunuchs, SETHIANS!
What happens when a Stranger, passes JUDGMENT on the City?
Their Legend right??
David and his Sling against Goliath!@
"GOD, helps those who Help Themselves"!
Doesn't mean, Thieves, who take all they can!
Like the Legal System, only YOU, can give a Prayer to the Court, Pro
Attorneys use Affidavits, Pro Se Litigants, BELIEVE what the Say to the