GREAT NEWS ---> NEOCON Irving Kristol Is Dead
(too old to reply)
James Miller
2009-09-19 02:40:17 UTC
Dear Mr. Kristol,
I enjoyed the news of your death. I hope you are burning in the blackest
depths of Satanic Hell for all the misery you have brought to humanity via
your warmongering ways.


James Miller (a TRUE conservative, unlike the above NEOCON-Zionist gangster)

For SERIOUS conservative writing visit my blog:
2009-09-19 14:26:36 UTC
Post by James Miller
Dear Mr. Kristol,
I enjoyed the news of your death.  I hope you are burning in the blackest
depths of Satanic Hell for all the misery you have brought to humanity via
your warmongering ways.
James Miller (a TRUE conservative, unlike the above NEOCON-Zionist gangster)
Yeah, I saw the obit earlier. Well shit, how do we celebrate? The
first ZioNazi
to infiltrate the GOP has croaked. Any suggestions?
Chris X
2009-09-19 15:13:09 UTC
Post by James Miller
Dear Mr. Kristol,
I enjoyed the news of your death. I hope you are burning in the blackest
depths of Satanic Hell for all the misery you have brought to humanity via
your warmongering ways.
James Miller (a TRUE conservative, unlike the above NEOCON-Zionist gangster)
That's good news - one less of them !
yitzhak in eretz (sic)
2009-09-19 18:09:24 UTC
On 2009-09-19, Former Nazi Party Councillor David Exley (shown and
Post by Chris X
Post by James Miller
Dear Mr. Kristol,
I enjoyed the news of your death. I hope you are burning in the blackest
depths of Satanic Hell for all the misery you have brought to humanity via
your warmongering ways.
James Miller (a TRUE conservative, unlike the above NEOCON-Zionist gangster)
That's good news - one less of them !
I think you mean 'one fewer', Nazi Exley. Tsk.. even one of those
immigrants you hate so much, speaks and writes English better than you.


Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Israeli intellectual'
'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity -
and I'm not sure about the former' (Albert Einstein)
Chris X
2009-09-19 18:44:26 UTC
Post by Chris X
Post by James Miller
Dear Mr. Kristol,
I enjoyed the news of your death. I hope you are burning in the blackest
depths of Satanic Hell for all the misery you have brought to humanity via
your warmongering ways.
James Miller (a TRUE conservative, unlike the above NEOCON-Zionist gangster)
That's good news - one less of them !
I think you mean 'one fewer', Nazi. Tsk.. even one of those
immigrants you hate so much, speaks and writes English better than you.
Yeeeeeeawwwn, he's *still* dead. Good riddance, too.
yitzhak in eretz (sic)
2009-09-19 19:03:59 UTC
On 2009-09-19, Former Nazi Party Councillor David Exley (shown and
Post by Chris X
Post by yitzhak in eretz (sic)
On 2009-09-19, Former Nazi Party Councillor David Exley (shown and
Post by Chris X
Post by James Miller
Dear Mr. Kristol,
I enjoyed the news of your death. I hope you are burning in the blackest
depths of Satanic Hell for all the misery you have brought to humanity via
your warmongering ways.
James Miller (a TRUE conservative, unlike the above NEOCON-Zionist gangster)
That's good news - one less of them !
I think you mean 'one fewer', Nazi. Tsk.. even one of those
immigrants you hate so much, speaks and writes English better than you.
Yeeeeeeawwwn, he's *still* dead. Good riddance, too.
Dear me, such anger in one so young...

Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
AADP's 'left-wing Israeli intellectual'
'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity -
and I'm not sure about the former' (Albert Einstein)
2009-09-22 16:07:14 UTC
It's nice to see stupid people exposing themselves as no threat whatsoever.
Thanks boys!

Post by Chris X
Post by James Miller
Dear Mr. Kristol,
I enjoyed the news of your death. I hope you are burning in the blackest
depths of Satanic Hell for all the misery you have brought to humanity via
your warmongering ways.
James Miller (a TRUE conservative, unlike the above NEOCON-Zionist gangster)
That's good news - one less of them !