The Democrats are no friends of gays either!
(too old to reply)
Listick Lesbian
2006-05-12 18:08:55 UTC
For all the GLBT Uncle Toms of the Democratic Party who think the
Democrats are their friends:


Gay Group Upset at Dean, Returns Democrats' Money
May 12, 2006

Calvin Woodward
Chicago Sun Times

Democratic chairman Howard Dean mischaracterized his party's
platform on gay rights in an interview courting evangelicals,
then set the record straight Thursday when an advocacy group
called him on it.

Dean told Christian Broadcasting Network News that the 2004
Democratic platform declares ''marriage is between a man and a
woman'' -- just one of the points he made in reaching out to
religious conservatives largely hostile to the party.

But the platform does not define marriage that way, and his
remarks prompted the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to
return a $5,000 donation from the Democratic National Committee.

The two major parties are adrift without objective values. They
do whatever it takes to get elected, no matter whose rights they

If you want liberty, vote libertarian!
Lipstick Lesbian

Same sex marriage shirts:
"I'm not her "partner", I'm her wife
"I'm not his "partner", I'm his husband
2006-05-12 21:30:13 UTC
Post by Listick Lesbian
For all the GLBT Uncle Toms of the Democratic Party who think the
Any GLBT that thinks that the Republicans are their friends will richly
deserve the thumbscrews that they will eventually be fitted with.
Question with boldness even the existence of god; because if there be
one, he must more approve the homage of reason than that of blindfolded
fear. – Thomas Jefferson
Ms Libertarian
2006-05-13 01:41:20 UTC
Post by Andrealphus
Post by Listick Lesbian
For all the GLBT Uncle Toms of the Democratic Party who think
Any GLBT that thinks that the Republicans are their friends
will richly deserve the thumbscrews that they will eventually
be fitted with.
That's the whole point, neither party is any different. Both have
no objective values and will sell out any minority's human rights
at the first whim.
Ms. Libertarian - United States of America
Peter Bjørn Perlsø
2006-05-12 21:43:13 UTC
Post by Listick Lesbian
For all the GLBT Uncle Toms of the Democratic Party who think the
Gay Group Upset at Dean, Returns Democrats' Money
May 12, 2006
Calvin Woodward
Chicago Sun Times
Democratic chairman Howard Dean mischaracterized his party's
platform on gay rights in an interview courting evangelicals,
then set the record straight Thursday when an advocacy group
called him on it.
Dean told Christian Broadcasting Network News that the 2004
Democratic platform declares ''marriage is between a man and a
woman'' -- just one of the points he made in reaching out to
religious conservatives largely hostile to the party.
But the platform does not define marriage that way, and his
remarks prompted the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to
return a $5,000 donation from the Democratic National Committee.
The two major parties are adrift without objective values. They
do whatever it takes to get elected, no matter whose rights they
If you want liberty, vote libertarian!
Agreed, though I don't get why the heck the state should be interfering
with church matters - it's up tp the individual denominations or churces
to decide whether they want to wed homosexuals. Are people really THAT
ignorant of what the 1st Amendment says?
regards, Peter Bjørn Perlsø
http://haxor.dk - http://liberterran.org - http://haxor.dk/fanaticism/ -
http://planetarybillofrights.org/ - http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/
Lady Liberty
2006-05-13 01:43:02 UTC
Post by Peter Bjørn Perlsø
Post by Listick Lesbian
For all the GLBT Uncle Toms of the Democratic Party who think
Gay Group Upset at Dean, Returns Democrats' Money
May 12, 2006
Calvin Woodward
Chicago Sun Times
Democratic chairman Howard Dean mischaracterized his party's
platform on gay rights in an interview courting evangelicals,
then set the record straight Thursday when an advocacy group
called him on it.
Dean told Christian Broadcasting Network News that the 2004
Democratic platform declares ''marriage is between a man and
a woman'' -- just one of the points he made in reaching out
to religious conservatives largely hostile to the party.
But the platform does not define marriage that way, and his
remarks prompted the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to
return a $5,000 donation from the Democratic National
Committee. ___________
The two major parties are adrift without objective values.
They do whatever it takes to get elected, no matter whose
rights they abolish.
If you want liberty, vote libertarian!
Agreed, though I don't get why the heck the state should be
interfering with church matters - it's up tp the individual
denominations or churces to decide whether they want to wed
homosexuals. Are people really THAT ignorant of what the 1st
Amendment says?
Marriage should be independent of the state AND church. Don't
atheists and agnostics have a right to marry?

It should be a private contract between 2 or more consenting
adult humans. See:
Please read about the true principles of liberty at:

JOBS : http://planetarybillofrights.org/jobs.htm
2006-05-13 01:47:37 UTC
Post by Peter Bjørn Perlsø
Agreed, though I don't get why the heck the state should be interfering
with church matters - it's up tp the individual denominations or churces
to decide whether they want to wed homosexuals. Are people really THAT
ignorant of what the 1st Amendment says?
Nothing to do with religion.
There are three parties to any marriage; the two spouses and the state.
The state is prepared to intrude it's requirements into the marriage
relationship on every level-
gays should not be surprised that the state has the complete 'say' over
their relationships. They already do it with a lot of other sorts of people
who might want to marry- ranging from mental state, to disease sufferers, to
national origins, consanguinal relationships, numbers of partners, age,.....
Nothing new about this.

