Karel - KGO Radio Resident FAGG On Child Molesting
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Politically Incorrect
2007-10-25 07:51:07 UTC
Dear Karel - I was so happy to hear you say on your KGO radio San Francisco
program last Sunday night that even though there are over 4 million children
molested every year, it really insn't a problem because it is such a low
percentage. I agree that we should be happy that only 1 in 10 ( your words )
children are molested. I was also happy to be reminded that you once
interviewed someone who wrote a book claiming that most victims of
molestation have no ill effects. That is so nice to know.

Now, having heard that, I want you to know that I am very happy that there
are so few fag bashings every year. What's the number in San Francisco? 3 or
4? That's next to nothing. I'm sure that author will someday write a book
proclaiming that most of the victims of fag bashing will suffer no ill
effects once their bruises heal. Then maybe we can put fag bashing into the
same regard with which you hold child molesting.

Oh, and Karel....

The Truth
2007-10-31 06:04:18 UTC
Post by Politically Incorrect
Dear Karel - I was so happy to hear you say on your KGO radio San
Francisco program last Sunday night that even though there are over 4
million children molested every year, it really insn't a problem
because it is such a low percentage. I agree that we should be happy
that only 1 in 10 ( your words ) children are molested. I was also
happy to be reminded that you once interviewed someone who wrote a
book claiming that most victims of molestation have no ill effects.
That is so nice to know.
Now, having heard that, I want you to know that I am very happy that
there are so few fag bashings every year. What's the number in San
Francisco? 3 or 4? That's next to nothing. I'm sure that author will
someday write a book proclaiming that most of the victims of fag
bashing will suffer no ill effects once their bruises heal. Then maybe
we can put fag bashing into the same regard with which you hold child
Oh, and Karel....
Normal hetero people get bashed all day long. Why should we care about
a few fags getting slapped around for their degenerate behavior?

Fags stalk and molest young boys. They should be treated just like any
other molester.
